We understand that billion dollar exits are not common and the amount of money to grow a business for larger exits requires a number of rounds and doesn’t always pan out. 80% of exits sit around the $30 million to $200 million range. We believe companies can be built with a focus in this exit range requiring less funding with a focus on exit partners and hitting revenue numbers with useful technology solutions.
A network of investors interested in B2B companies and believe in the way we’re building companies invest into the round.
Each company is launched with revenue generating products and sales capabilities. We bring funding early and enough to get to break even and sustain to exit. What’s unique here is one round of funding with minimal dilution planned to carry to profitability and exit.
The goal with each company is an exit. We build with this plan in mind — from product strategy, to sales strategy, and lining it up for the appetites of acquiring companies.